搜索 964
NS495 God Has Chosen You and Me 新歌
NS710 God Needs Some Young People 新歌
E823 God before the world's foundation 經典詩歌
NS3 God has a dream 新歌
NS252 God has called us into the fellowship of His Son 新歌
E1355 God has forgiven all my sins 經典詩歌
E683 God holds the key of all unknown 經典詩歌
E8500 God holds the key of all unknown (revised) 經典詩歌
NS916 God is Pleased 新歌
God made man male and female 兒童
God made the mountains 兒童
E6601 God's desire—Life for man 經典詩歌
NS319 God's economy is His plan to dispense Himself 新歌
E1241 God's life and building can be seen 經典詩歌
E8450 God's whole relationship with mankind is 經典詩歌
E78 Gracious Lord, Thy name I AM is 經典詩歌
NS706 Grant Me a Vision 新歌
E127 Hark! ten thousand voices crying 經典詩歌
E437 Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him 經典詩歌
NS751 He Himself Is Our Peace 新歌
NS957 He Loved Them to the Uttermost 新歌
E919 He shall reign o'er all the earth 經典詩歌
E8346 Henceforth, I'll follow Jesus, on whatever track 經典詩歌
NS157 Here a Little, There a Little 新歌
Hide God's Word in Your Heart 兒童